- Native versions: Linux, OS/2, Windows NT/95, PC-DOS, Amiga, SunOS, Solaris, ...
- Year 2000 compatible.
- User can access BBBS with WWW-browser, telnet, direct dial-up modem connection, ISDN, ...
- Incoming and outgoing Internet support: WWW, Telnet, FTP, Finger, SMTP (email), POP3 (email), NNTP (news), IRC, Hunt, Time.
- Full Fidonet support: Mailer (EMSI, FTS-0001, BinkP), mail processor, TICK processor, message tracker, AllFix, NameFix, AreaFix, outbound manager, nodelist compiler and differ, remapping.
- Gating both news, email and mailing lists between Fidonet and Internet.
- Fidonet mail sessions over TCP/IP (EMSI, FTS-0001, BinkP).
- Multilingual support, also national character sets, including ISO and IBM.
- VT320, ANSI, Dummy-ANSI, RIPscript and TTY terminal emulation support.
- Hypertext help system for both SysOp and user, with ASCII/HTML converters.
- Full multinode and multitasking support.
- Advanced security features, for example encrypted passwords and RSA login.
- QWK, OMEN, HIPPO, BlueWave and ASCII offline reader support.
- IRC-alike groupchat, with feelings and real IRC connection.
- Full-featured, powerful C-alike script language. Also supports REXX (OS/2), Java and perl.
- Virtually unlimited number of message areas.
- Fast full screen message editor (FSE), Mg2a (Emacs-clone) and line editor.
- Advanced groups-based access control system with regular expressions.
- Accounts for commercial systems.
- On-line reading made easy: read messages by threads, by number or use the search features to mark just the messages that you want to read. Automatic on-the-fly message reformatting.
- Directory-based file system, packing and unpacking, private files/dirs, viewing files.
- Full CD-ROM support, supports for CD-ROM change on the fly! You can change CD-ROM and user will see new CD-ROM immediately. CD-ROM changer support. Easy installation of CD-ROMs with a built-in installer.
- File areas are limited only by your free disk space
- Fast file search by wildcard or keyword.
- Internal protocols: HYDRA, Zmodem, ZedZap, Ymodem Batch, Ymodem, Kermit, Xmodem CRC, Xmodem checksum, Slow-HYDRA, Slow-Zmodem.
- Long filename support everywhere, including HYDRA.
- Effective BZLink-Lite connection protocol (you can upload and download at the same time than you use BBS normally).
- Up to 250 external protocols and packers are supported.
- Small VT320 terminal emulator, BTERM.
- Send and receive FAXes and voice calls, you can share one single phoneline with data/fax/voice.
- PC-DOS version is DESQview and OS/2 aware, FOSSIL driver is optional.
- ISDN CAPI support (OS/2).
- Internal message base compression, saves 50% of your disk space.
- Easy to customize to suit every need imaginable. Configurable also from the user's point of view.
- Hundreds of utilities available.
- International support echo areas and mailing lists.
- ...plus much much more...