/*************************************************** * WOW! (?) FindFile V1.0 :) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This small script will help users use the ALLFIX* * function in BBBS. Compile it an check it out! * *************************************************** * !! This script is not free... If you compile or * * use any part of the script you must send me a * * NETMAIL telling me that you use it :) * * BBBSNet: Lasse Morkhagen @ 47:1000/109 * * SIGNet : Lasse Morkhagen @ 27:1347/153 * * ICENet : Lasse Morkhagen @ 47:55/117 * ***************************************************/ function filespe($konf) { var $foo,$foobar; $foobar=sprintf("%sfilefind.tmp",$bg_tempdir); $foo=input(sprintf("%s",$bv_txt[655]),30,1); if($foo!="") { fopen(1,$foobar,"wt"); fprintf(1,"BBBS FileFind 0.1Beta - (C) FTS 1995 ;)\n"); fclose(1); system(sprintf("bbbs btxt2bbs %s %s /F %s /T ALLFIX /S %s",$konf,$foobar,$bu_name,$foo),1); remove($foobar); } } function keyword($konf) { var $foo,$foobar; $foobar=sprintf("%sfilefind.tmp",$bg_tempdir); $foo=input(sprintf("%s",$bv_txt[656]),30,1); if($foo!="") { fopen(1,$foobar,"wt"); fprintf(1,"BBBS FileFind 0.1Beta - (C) FTS 1995 ;)\n"); fclose(1); system(sprintf("bbbs btxt2bbs %s %s /F %s /T ALLFIX /S \"%s\"",$konf,$foobar,$bu_name,$foo),1); remove($foobar); } } function main() { var $konf,$svar,$c, $cmd, $mode, $z, $b; $konf="125"; /*Sett inn _nummeret_ p† ALLFIX konferansen */ $mode=stupcase(getenv("MODE")); do { if ($mode=="B") $cmd=sprintf("(%02u:%02u) FindFile:\e[1m/:\e[0m> ",$bf_hour,$bf_min); else if ($bu_utoggles & 1024) $cmd=sprintf("(%s) \e[0;36mFindFile\e[0m: ",$bv_crrdir); else $cmd=sprintf("(%s) \e[0;36mFindFile\e[0m %s ",$bv_crrdir,$bv_txt[21]); $c=input($cmd,69,1); $b=$bv_comstring; switch($z=parsecom("quit/Search/Keyword/?",$c)) { case 2: { filespe($konf); break; } case 3: { keyword($konf); break; } case 4: { showfile(sprintf("menus/filefind.%s",$bu_language)); break; } case 255: { $bv_comstring=$b; bbbs($c); break; } } } while ($bv_carrier && $z>1); }